AI Implementation Playbook

Ready to work on Implementing an AI Strategic Plan in your district? Maybe you came here from the Arizona AI Guidance for Schools document from the AIEE? (If not, you should check that out)

The resources and thoughts below represent the experience of one school district through the initial stages of GenAI Transformation, what we did and what we learned from it. We hope that by sharing our model, other districts can be more efficient and agile in their own safe implementation of this new and continually emerging technology.

Pause: What is your WHY

At the very start of this journey, and in every chapter after, you need to be thinking about why you want to work on embedding AI into your district and classrooms. "Well, everyone else is, and my boss told me I need to figure something out, so..." is a fine starting place, but won't sustain your work. We've seen districts motivated by the topics below, but don't imagine this is an exhaustive list:

All of these can drive your work. We balance all of them in your strategic plan, now that we're finding our feet. Deciding what matters most to you and your district and community is important for determining your measures of success and what you can speak about most passionately.

💡Need help finding your WHY? Try reading the articles linked above and having a roundtable discussion with key voices in your Leadership Team.

Setting The Foundation - Are you ready for this? 


Read more about our Chapter 1 here

Building Momentum - Staff Literacy


Read more about our Chapter 2 here

Transforming Learning - Now for Students

Guiding Questions

Read more about our Chapter 3 here