AI Summit

Join us for our second AI Summit and TAKE ACTION!

It's been more than a year now since schools started to feel the pressure to "do something" about Generative AI. Across the state, country, and world, we've all tried to find a way to respond in ways that are safe and effective for our students and staff. The Arizona Institute for Education and the Economy (AIEE) released AI Guidance for K12 Schools. AzTEA hosted two conferences with major focuses on AI. GPEMC/AZEMC facilitated multiple workgroups and presentations for member schools. And the Agua Fria district, along with dozens across the state, worked out a strategic plan and started training staff and students about AI Literacy.

Last year's AI Summit took place in a time of uncertainty. This year, with clear guidance and a unified approach, Arizona is ready to take action. Join us for a collaborative event to share resources and ideas, and to develop the best plans for our students and stakeholders.

More than a conference

Recognizing that everyone has something to bring to the table, and every district has a unique vision for student success, we call this event a SUMMIT to reinforce our stance on collaboration and collective success. You can expect constant interaction throughout the day, and we encourage you to attend with a group (your AI Task Force) to plan with.

[Registration Closed, Payments accepted here]

September 23rd

9:00 - 3:30

Verrado High School

Intended for:

Curriculum leads, Tech leads, Admin, Tech specialists. All are welcome!

If you'd like to add the event to your calendar, you can do so in Google or Outlook


Anchoring the summit in the AZ Guidance and Playbook, we are building 3 Leraning Tracks into the day

(A) Create a Strong Foundation

What is your WHY? How do we do this safely and appropriately? Who do I need on board and how do we organize?

(B) Build Momentum

What tools and frameworks make this happen? How do we train teachers? How do we measure success?

(C) Transforming Learning

What is the classroom of the future? How do we learn and live in a world of advanced AI? What do our students need for that world?

[Registration Closed, Payments accepted here]

We are grateful for the alliance and partnership of the growing Arizona AI Alliance